Herbicide Myths & Facts

With so much controversy surrounding pesticides and herbicides, you may wonder if this weed management method is safe for your yard - and why you should consider it at all.

Herbicides are chemicals that kill weeds or prevent them from growing. While weeds are unsightly, they can pose major risks to fields, pastures, and prairies by competing with other plants for sun, water, and nutrients.

Herbicide applications can be customized to the type of weed by using a selective tank mix of herbicides engineered to control specific weed types and maintain the growth of desired crops.

Let’s take the guesswork out of herbicide use by looking at the benefits of herbicide applications as well as the truth behind animal and human harm:

Why Should I Use Herbicide?

Whether you are seeking to protect your crops or beautify your lawn, herbicide applications are often a necessary step to ensuring your vegetation reaches optimal growth.

Along with properly fertilizing your landscape, weed control helps to prevent weeds from consuming your property.

Regular weed control can prevent weeds from growing in the first place! Pre-emergent treatments are available to kill weeds before they even grow.

Plus, regular herbicide applications can help save you time and protect your investment. Weeds can be highly detrimental to your crops or landscape, costing you either money in lost product or time by having to pull weeds by hand. 

Why Weeds Are Harmful

As we mentioned, weeds are harmful. They compete with other plants by battling for space and nutrients - and they often win.

Weeds are aggressive and can adapt to the areas they are growing. They will fight for water, light, space, and nutrients, making it difficult for other plants to grow and thrive.

Weeds also develop vigorous root systems that overpower cultivated plants, and they can grow quickly, taking root not only downward but also outward.

When weeds grow faster than your crops, they take precious water and block sunlight. Creating their own individual climate can cause other plants to become dehydrated and cold.

Weeds will also hide your plants from pollinators and attract pests and diseases. When weeds are left to flourish, they provide the perfect hiding spot for pests such as snails and slugs and food for aphids.

Plus, if the weed is in the same family as the plant you are trying to grow, they can easily harbor and pass diseases between the plants.

Lastly, weeds can make your soil infertile. These are known as allelopathic weeds, and they can prevent the germination of your plant seeds.

Is Herbicide Harmful to Humans and Animals?

All chemicals are potentially harmful to humans and animals, but health risks depend on exposure and dosage when it comes to toxicology. 

The EPA has found that there is a lower potential for harm when it comes to herbicide exposure. 

All of the herbicides used by Marksmen Vegetation are user-friendly, safe, and effective!

Herbicide Myths and Facts

Now that you understand more about the use of herbicides and the negative impact of weeds on plants and crops, let’s look at some herbicide myths and facts:

Myth: Organic Herbicides Work Just As Well as Herbicides

While organic methods of weed control can be effective, they do not work as well as herbicides in most cases. Some organic weed control methods use ingredients that can be harmful to plants.

Fact: Blanket Treatments Are More Effective Than Spot Treating

It may seem logical to save money by only treating weed “hot spots” on your property, but the cost of return visits to address breakthrough weeds will surpass the cost of having one complete treatment done at one time.

Myth: Post-Emergent Herbicides Work Better Than Pre-Emergent Herbicides

While both have their uses depending on the situation, pre-emergent herbicides are the most effective way to treat weeds. Post-emergent herbicides require multiple applications and create a greater risk of injury to your lawn. Unless weeds have already cropped up on your property, pre-emergent treatments are the way to go.

Fact: You Can DIY Weed Control Treatments, But They Are Not As Effective

When you Google weed control treatments, you’ll find a plethora of advice on how you can eradicate weeds yourself. Truthfully, vinegar is a valid way to kill weeds on your property, but it is only a contact herbicide. While you can kill the part of the weed you see, DIY methods will not destroy the root.

Professional Herbicide Applications

For the past 30 years, Marksmen Vegetation has been mitigating the hazards posed by weeds to protect our green spaces. Our team can offer our clients the unique ability to track their vegetation control in real-time by employing GIS and GPS tracking technology!

We also offer a comprehensive warranty on many herbicide applications programs, so if your product is compromised by uncontrollable elements, Marksmen can ensure that no adverse effects are felt by your company!

Contact us today if you are ready to get started!